So that's me, but that is not what the blog is about, it's about a few of my so called "hobbies".
The first of my "hobbies" is wine. I love everything to do with wine, I love shopping for it, drinking it and I love sounding like I know what I am talking about. I very much enjoy visiting wine country in Niagara and being in awe of the beauty that is vineyards, and I would love to travel around the world visiting wineries. I dream about one day owning my own, but like I've said I am no aficionado I am simply a lover of wine.
The second is Pinterest. What can I say, I love to pin. I find all these great ideas and figure really how hard can it be to do that, the internet makes everything look so easy, however I have learned throughout the years that the minute I utter those words I am in for one heck of a struggle. You see, most people blogging and posting things on the internet are generally quite good at what they are blogging/posting, or at least that's what I tell myself to feel better about the things I have attempted and then failed at. My biggest problem is, if I am not instantly good at something I tend to put it down and never look at it again (knitting) and so that is in the back of my head when I pin/buy things at Michaels and never do them. But no more! I am going to actually start doing my projects and remind myself that practice makes perfect, so watch out candle making kit, yarn and needles, shadow boxes and all you pretty jewelry making kits I am coming for you and I am going to make you to the best of my abilities!
The last of my "hobbies", but most certainly my favourite is FOOD. Like wine I love everything about FOOD. I love shopping for it (no really I do enjoy going to the grocery store, butchers, farmers markets and buying food), I love cooking food, eating food and telling anyone who will listen about the amazing meals I have eaten. It is a well known fact at my work that I some what of a food expert, now that's not to say I have a highly refined palette and can tell you each and every ingredient in a meal, no, but I do know where to find good food, amazing food that will make you and your mouth happy. I also love seeking out new places and reporting back. So at the request of my co-worker I have finally started this blog to chronicle my journey through this tasty city.
(That's my boy :) )
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