The Senator has got to be my absolute favourite restaurant to go to. If I could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of my life, I gotta say I think this would be it. Maybe it's the nostalgia of the place, it is one of the first places my hubby and I went to when we first started dating. It could also have something to do with the fact that the mere mention of "The Senator" and I start going into my happy place (FYI my happy place is filled with fluffy french toast and chewy, salty bacon). Or maybe it's my favourite place because it's a cozy diner, with awesome staff and MAN do they ever know how to make a mean breakfast. And just for your reading pleasure, I have pictures and comments on both their breakfast and lunch menu (the things I do for my blog) So without further ado here is my post on what I call the best damn place to grab breakfast/brunch.
(History of The Senator) |
Above is a shot of the menu that has the history of The Senator on it. The Senator is Toronto's oldest restaurant, it started out as a house in 1860 and through the years it became what it is today...Toronto's best diner (well maybe that's just my opinion, but I gotta say the lineup to get in wouldn't lie). That's a really short version of the history, but it is quite interesting and worth a read while you are waiting for your delicious food.
(Neon sign that draws you in) |
(Cute facade) |
(This is the mural that drew my hubby and I in) |
For those of you who already know this restaurant (and love it, I haven't met anyone who has gone and not loved it), you are probably drooling right about now, for those of you who don't, get there as soon as you can, you can thank me later! My hubby and I stumbled upon this place about 6 years ago when we were in search for some breaky, but the lineup at Fran's was too long and we were hungry. So we turned down the street, saw the mural above and figured we would give it a go. That was 6 years ago, and we haven't looked back. Sure we go and try other places for breakfast, but we have yet to find one that makes us as happy as this one (that's right this place brings pure joy to our hearts, OK, maybe that's a bit much, but still we really love this place). We mainly eat here for breakfast, yes they do brunch/lunch/dinner, but it is the breakfast that we crave the most (you'll see why)
(Interior shot) |
Yup, that's it in all it's glory. I know, it's not big, but they move fast in there, and even if the lineup is out the door, the longest I have ever waited was 30min, and trust me it's worth it. Now if you are extremely hungry and don't want to wait, there are usually a couple of chairs at the bar available that you can grab, but if you prefer a booth, it won't take long. There really isn't a "quite" time on the weekends, we've been there from anywhere from 9am-11:30am, and there is always some sort of line, but trust me it really does move fast. Now I know what you are thinking, didn't you say you went there because the lineup at Fran's was too long. Yes, but that was 6 years ago, and it seems as though this place is just getting busier and busier, as more and more people spread the word. Maybe that's why I've held off on writing this post, but that would be selfish of me to keep this place to myself, plus enough people know about it now.
(One of the cozy two seater booths) |
Either they like coke, or I like taking pictures of coke paraphernalia.
OK, OK, I know by now I am sure you are saying, Come on Kate get to the food, so here we go, I will start off with their lunch menu and leave the best (breakfast) for last!
(Giant Cobb salad) |
(Fish and chips) |
(Burger) |
Above are some of what The Senator has to offer for lunch. I didn't order all three, I took my parents there after a day of shopping. So the first picture is of the Cobb salad, and as you can see it is loaded to the gills with toppings. Good helping of chicken, blue cheese and bacon (mmmm). My Mum really enjoyed her salad, the chicken was moist, the bacon was somewhere between crispy and chewy (perfect if you ask me) and the blue cheese was just strong enough that it didn't over power. The second picture is of fish and chips, my Dads order. Now he is a Scot and being so he knows a good fish and chips when he sees one, and the verdict for The Senator fish and chips was it wasnae bad. That may not sound like a good review, but you must know my father to understand that it is a good review, he enjoyed it and he finished it (minus a couple of chips) and since then, has asked that we go back there next time they are in the city. Now for my burger. It was pretty good, it was a bit dry, however I do get my burgers well done (I work in Microbiology and I trust no one when it comes to under-cooked ground beef!), but I don't really go there for the burgers I go there for something much more amazing (you will see in just a bit).
So there's the lunch portion done and now onto the best, most amazing part of this restaurant, the BREAKFAST!!
(Eggs Benedict with a side order of Berkshire bacon) |
(Life-changing french toast) |
(Side order of regular bacon) |
(Side-by side comparison of bacon) |
So lets start off with the first picture, the Eggs Benedict. My hubby ordered those, I used to love Eggs Benny, but one bad experience at another breakfast place had put me right off it, until now. The hubster loves Eggs Benny (he normally orders the Senator breakfast, which is excellent as well) and I have actually re-found my love for them. The hollandaise sauce is creamy, smooth, with a refreshing hit of lemon. The eggs are cooked perfectly and the back bacon is delish (it's bacon, how could you screw up bacon?). I would say I would order them next time I go, but that would be a lie, and I don't like to lie. It's not that they weren't good, cause they were amazing, it's because what I order is the best of the best, it would be my last meal request, it's what I will miss most, when inevitably we move out of the city. The Senator's French Toast is what I always order, only once have I ever strayed from that order. They make it with thick cut challah bread (it's a Jewish egg bread), and it is fluffy, vanilla-ie, heart warmingly good and not overly sweet. And how could one possibly make the best thing in the world any better? Well you order a side of bacon, but not just any bacon, Berkshire bacon. Now in the pictures above there are the two types of bacon, regular and Berkshire, I say it is so I can show you the difference between the two, but in reality, I was un-caffeinated and forgot to specify my Berkshire request, not all was lost though, cause the regular bacon is good, and the hubster ordered Berkshire bacon and shared it with me :) What is the difference between regular and Berkshire? Berkshire is a bit larger, a tiny bit chewier and a lot saltier. That saltiness goes perfectly with the french toast and if you cut a bit of bacon and a bit of french toast and eat them together, it's like a party in your mouth, but like a VIP party, with only the best invited. The french toast and Berkshire bacon combo is so good, that it can cheer me up, even just knowing I'm going to get it, after a long and agonizing week. I'm told the pancakes are life changing as well, but I shall never know, unless someone with me orders them and gives me a taste.
So when you go, and I really hope you do, don't worry about the line, it moves fast, when you do sit down, order yourself the french toast with a side of Berkshire (and remember to specify), and you can thank me later. Well really order anything and you will most likely enjoy it, but if you like french toast, this place is going to make you LOVE french toast.
Check out their website for more info and timings of their breakfast/lunch/dinner
The Senator
Happy Eating!
(Charlie is telling you to go to The Senator for him!) |
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